I agree with everything LoveUni said. I will only elaborate my position in that I am not adverse to, and actually welcome diversity. I believe we have gained a lot, and continue to grow, by having a mixed bag of races and even cultures in our society. What I do not like is the mindset that white males are the "problem" in society. It's a bandwagon that is gaining popularity in recent years. Yes, many have suffered at the hands of white men, there are cases of it even today i.e. Harvey Weinstein. But many have suffered at the hands of other races as well, i.e. Bill Cosby, RKelly... it's not race, it's a mindset. Incidentally it's not even a gender thing, as women bear responsibility in some instances, but that's another topic, so I'll stay on point and leave that for another day. History is full of suffering at the hands of all races, cultures, and civilizations. African, Asians, Indians, Middle easterners, none are innocent. If we're gonna dig up the Horrible things that white men did in the past, we have to look at what all men did in the past. But that's not what's happening. Some people want to continue this angry narrative, while ironically living in a society, using everyday luxuries they take for granted, that was afforded to them, and to us all, by those same men. Erase those men from history, where do you stop? With whom do you stop? Vilify and browbeat white men today and what will you get? Nothing good comes from it. It's not the color of the flesh, it's the mindset. Celebrate the achievements and victories of all men. Use their mistakes to better yourself and society as a whole. Call people out when they do wrong. Hold them accountable. But only them, not everyone else who happens to fit into their racial, gender, or sexual orientation, catagory.
Incognigo Montoya
JoinedPosts by Incognigo Montoya
Diversity is White Genocide
by corrie54 inasia for the asians, africa for the africans, white countries for everybody!.
everybody says there is this race problem.
everybody says this race problem will be solved when the third world pours into every white country and only into white countries.. the netherlands and belgium are just as crowded as japan or taiwan, but nobody says japan or taiwan will solve this race problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.. everybody says the final solution to this race problem is for every white country and only white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.. what if i said there was this race problem and this race problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into every black country and only into black countries?.
Diversity is White Genocide
by corrie54 inasia for the asians, africa for the africans, white countries for everybody!.
everybody says there is this race problem.
everybody says this race problem will be solved when the third world pours into every white country and only into white countries.. the netherlands and belgium are just as crowded as japan or taiwan, but nobody says japan or taiwan will solve this race problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.. everybody says the final solution to this race problem is for every white country and only white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.. what if i said there was this race problem and this race problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into every black country and only into black countries?.
Incognigo Montoya
I completely agree. I just dont think you can fully achieve one, without the other.
Diversity is White Genocide
by corrie54 inasia for the asians, africa for the africans, white countries for everybody!.
everybody says there is this race problem.
everybody says this race problem will be solved when the third world pours into every white country and only into white countries.. the netherlands and belgium are just as crowded as japan or taiwan, but nobody says japan or taiwan will solve this race problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.. everybody says the final solution to this race problem is for every white country and only white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.. what if i said there was this race problem and this race problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into every black country and only into black countries?.
Incognigo Montoya
Waton: I think you are wrong here. The great pale civilization was developed without the contribution of greedy expansionism.
Huh? What history class have you been taking? The Greeks and Roman's were making great strides in philosophy, art, engineering, and many other aspects we recognize today, while also greedily expanding their control by battling with other civilizations in order to expand their empire, i.e. taking things that didn't belong to them. Were they not acquiring these other territories through violence? Or were they just happily given all the land?
By your own admission, they had slaves. Is any form of slavery acceptable? Are they somehow excused from their practice of slavery because, in their veiw "the slaves were better off"? Sounds like an excuse I've heard a few times regarding another civilization that enslaved people. While there were times of peace, prosperity, and advancement in culture, they were afforded this by their military might and the progressive expansion of their empire. Also, wasn't Rome an empire that fed Christian's to lions and fought gladiators to the death, all for entertainment? Very advanced of them...
So, no, I was correct in my previous statement.
I was simply pointing out that no civilization has impunity when it comes to hurting others. At least while creating their empire. It's just one group came out the victor, and to the victor go the spoils. Spoils which include recording their history, the way they see fit.
Diversity is White Genocide
by corrie54 inasia for the asians, africa for the africans, white countries for everybody!.
everybody says there is this race problem.
everybody says this race problem will be solved when the third world pours into every white country and only into white countries.. the netherlands and belgium are just as crowded as japan or taiwan, but nobody says japan or taiwan will solve this race problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.. everybody says the final solution to this race problem is for every white country and only white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.. what if i said there was this race problem and this race problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into every black country and only into black countries?.
Incognigo Montoya
Redvip, the High school kids are victims, not of the native man, or the black isrealites, but of the media pushing an anti white veiw. The media wanted to further their racist maga hat wearing agenda at the expense of these kids. Look, I agree, the maga hats and shirts are redicous and stupid, but these kids, and the situation, were exploited, slanted, and tainted, by the media, in an effort to make a political statement; Anti white male. They were trying to make a group of white catholic boys out to be racist punks. Which they absolutely were not.
Diversity is White Genocide
by corrie54 inasia for the asians, africa for the africans, white countries for everybody!.
everybody says there is this race problem.
everybody says this race problem will be solved when the third world pours into every white country and only into white countries.. the netherlands and belgium are just as crowded as japan or taiwan, but nobody says japan or taiwan will solve this race problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.. everybody says the final solution to this race problem is for every white country and only white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.. what if i said there was this race problem and this race problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into every black country and only into black countries?.
Incognigo Montoya
Yes, only whitey started wars, killed those of other races, sold others into slavery, raped women, and invaded other lands. Every other race has a guilt free, utopian past, only ending in exploitation and destruction by white invaders...
The civilized Mayan culture was so advanced and peaceful, they sacrificed people to their gods, warred with their enemies, and forced their prisoners into slavery. They were so smart and so advanced that they... disappeared. The Aztecs, who came after them, didn't do any better. North american Indian tribes often warred with one another, over their lands, brutally dealing with their enemies on occasion. Sounds civilized to me.
The inventions and gifts to society and civilization didnt help them much in the effort to protect themselves against European invaders. While all of the resources available to Europeans can also be found in the Americas, as well as almost all other continents on earth, most all other societies were just not as innovative or advanced as the Europeans. Asia and China specifically, with the invention of gun powder, is one exception.
The truth of the matter, whether you want to see it or not, is that society, as a whole, advanced through taking things that belonged to others. Putting others into slavery, genocide, greed, and violence. It's not just a white European thing. It's a human thing. But from our vantage point, looking back, the white Europeans came out on top. Call it ingenuity, fortitude, unjust, murderous, blessed by god, whatever you will, however you want to look at it, that's just the way it is. Your ancestors are just as guilty. If you're part of another race that happened to be the losers in conflict with the white race, it's just the way things went. You're kidding yourself if you think that somewhere in your past (regardless of race or nationality), your ancestral peoples didn't enslave or oppress another group of people, in the advancement of their own. In fact, an argument can be made that certain societies didn't advance as much because of their preoccupation with war and fighting with one another. You can dig up or rehash the past all you want, but you cannot change it. All you can do is effect the present in hope of changing the future, for the better. If people continue to try to better their race at the expense of another, history will continue to repeat itself.
Diversity is White Genocide
by corrie54 inasia for the asians, africa for the africans, white countries for everybody!.
everybody says there is this race problem.
everybody says this race problem will be solved when the third world pours into every white country and only into white countries.. the netherlands and belgium are just as crowded as japan or taiwan, but nobody says japan or taiwan will solve this race problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.. everybody says the final solution to this race problem is for every white country and only white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.. what if i said there was this race problem and this race problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into every black country and only into black countries?.
Incognigo Montoya
Spoletta: There was plenty of blame to go around, and the portrayal of these kids as victims is not accurate. They were just stupid high school kids with no supervision.
If the black Israelites or the Native Americans, were fucking them, the black isrealites and the native Americans would be in trouble, because they were fucking minors, people of an age (under 18), who cannot give consent because they lack the cognizant ability to understand the gravity and ramifications of the action, even if they are a willful participant. The truth is, they were naive school boys, who were being taunted and fucked with, by the groups around them. They were targeted. They actually reacted much better than I would have expected. But a group of high school boys, in general isn't a stable group to begin with... ultimately, they did absolutely nothing wrong, and the groups of adults who approached them, and taunted them, should have known better, behaved better, and be condemned for their actions. Period.
"Theyre just stupid high school kids" was accurate, but they were victims. They got fucked by the media and their agenda to paint them as aggressive little maga white devils, oppressing the poor native man. They did nothing of the sort, at worst, behaving as teenage boys do, though even then, behaving pretty well. Once the truth came out, it was painfully obvious that creating a racist narrative where there was none, to further a political agenda, was the reason behind those pushing the original video clip. An exact example of what Simon was talking about.
My Bible Study Conductor's Letter to Me
by ohnightdivine inrecently, i wrote a sister, my bible study conductor, an email just telling her that i thought of her, and i thanked her for being a part of some milestones in my life many many years ago.
(for those who are reading my post for the first time, i was a very impressionable teenager at that time and i had the chance to live in their country for a while, spent much time with her, got to know her way of living, and essentially she became my life's mentor.
closer to me than family.
Incognigo Montoya
It's funny, out of all the people in your congregation, you formed a friendship, a very close relationship by your admission, with her. Just because you were her BS (funny how Bible Study shares an acronym with what it truly is...), doesn't guarantee a residual friendship, let alone a close family like connection. Personalities and interests are undoubtedly more important factors, when forming a friendship. This is why any one of us is drawn to another. Even within the congregation, while most everyone perceives and refers to the other congregants as "friends", there are close friendships formed while others are not pursued or even avoided, on the basis of interests and personalities. When it could have been anyone else in the congregation you formed a close bond with, it was her. Her nurturing undoubtedly played a large roll in your connection as well. The description of your connection with her, sounds as if you view her as a mother. There are, however, a great many people who love their parents, but dislike them. They still talk to them, associate with them, respect and love them, despite differences in belief or opinion. So this bond you have with her obviously goes beyond that, especially since she's not biologically related. So, if the close bond, between the two of you, was only formed because of your belief and adherence to Jehovah, and more specifically the JW doctrine, why is it that there isn't this bond between you and any other congregant? Something that she fails to recognize or at least acknowledge. Something the FaDS prefers their sheep to ignore. If your friends and loved ones no longer adhere to our teaching, shun them. Put aside all of the reasons you loved that individual, ignore your natural instinct. Put them out of your mind. Jehovah will provide other friends, sons, daughters, and parents for you...
Sorry you lost your friend. Remember a real friend doesn't hinge their friendship with you on whether you believe what they believe. Some of my closest friends have different belief systems than I do, but we share other interests, and focus on those, allowing philisophical differences to just be. I hope you have friends who accept you for who you are, and continue to cultivate those true friendships, that are not in jeopardy of being severed by a mere difference of opinion, or belief.
Why do Jehovah's Witness members incriminate themselves in judicial meeting?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inwhy do jehovah's witness members incriminate themselves to any judicial process?
how can three elders conduct a judicial meeting with a 15-year-old teenage girl who supposedly was rumored to fornicate, took drugs or was drunk from drinking alcohol?
can she or the parents refuse to answer any questions?.
Incognigo Montoya
When you're taught that Jehovah is the ultimate authority. He sees all, knows all. That he's the sole decision maker when it comes to your everlasting life, and ultimately that's what matters above all else, his view of you trumps anything a secular judge or jury could possibly do to you. I grew up with a healthy respect for authority, judges and such, but they dont make decisions on my soul... I was also raised to be honest in all things, whether it benefitted or hurt me. So, while I would never lie to a judge, and never have, I certainly wouldn't lie or be deceptive to god. The difference between me now, and back when I was a young JW, is I dont believe imperfect men need to mediate my business with God. And frankly, at this point, I am agnostic anyway.
And by the way, you get out of more tickets being honest than you ever will lying about them.
Why do Jehovah's Witness members incriminate themselves in judicial meeting?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inwhy do jehovah's witness members incriminate themselves to any judicial process?
how can three elders conduct a judicial meeting with a 15-year-old teenage girl who supposedly was rumored to fornicate, took drugs or was drunk from drinking alcohol?
can she or the parents refuse to answer any questions?.
Incognigo Montoya
...and especially so if you're going through a difficult time in your life, as you are taught that if you've sinned gravely, Jehovah's spirit is taken from you. Therefore he's no longer protecting or blessing you. A believer will equate the sin they've committed to whatever calamity befalls them, there on out. And this vicious cycle of guilt and shame, compounded by anything that goes wrong in your life, continues to eat at you, until you go to the elders. That's what you're told will happen. That's what you believe will happen. Thats what you'll live. The only way out is to incriminate yourself.
Why do Jehovah's Witness members incriminate themselves in judicial meeting?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inwhy do jehovah's witness members incriminate themselves to any judicial process?
how can three elders conduct a judicial meeting with a 15-year-old teenage girl who supposedly was rumored to fornicate, took drugs or was drunk from drinking alcohol?
can she or the parents refuse to answer any questions?.
Incognigo Montoya
You're not being brought up on criminal charges, you're being brought up on spiritual charges. Sins against God. Lawyers and 5th amendments do not apply. Lol. I think most confess their sin because they feel guilt. Tremendous guilt. We were taught from an early age that the only way to fix this and make it right is to come clean, confess our sin to the elders, and ask for jehovahs forgiveness. But serious sin, as you described above, such as fornication, could only be forgiven through the elder arrangement. We couldnt recieve forgiveness directly from god. So, as painful as it is, many who commit "serious sin" feel a strong urge to confess, there by incriminating themselves. When the sin is repetitively brought up at every meeting, multiple times, from the platform, it creates a great shame within you. And you're constantly admonished that the only true way to a clean conscience, repentance, and forgiveness, is to go to the elders and confess.
Crazy, I know.
Brainwash city.